Hi! My name is Jon Simmons and I am a filmmaker based out of Brooklyn, NY.
From an early age I’ve been absolutely in love with storytelling. I would write short stories, plays and scripts often with reoccurring quirky characters for whom I had so much passion and empathy. When I was a bit older, I began filming these scenarios with neighborhood friends. As you grow up you discover that your creativity, what you once thought solely sprung from your imagination, is very much inspired by everyone and everything around you. Every character I had ever written and fallen in love with, every scene I ever recorded with a camera, was inspired by my friends and family, by human relationships that intrigued and inspired me. It’s these relationships, this connection we have to nature and other human beings that I yearn to explore everyday.
When I’m not making films, I love to read and write stories, go to the movies, travel, go hiking and spend time with my family and friends.